NGS and Base JP Font for Global

Replaces the default Global fonts for both the base and NGS Versions of PSO2 with the font(s) from JP. The NGS Font has been modified in FontForge to correct the line height issues that come with directly copying the file from JP to Global. Both NGS and Base fonts have some small issues that still…


JP Font For PSO2 NA

This mod adds back in the old font to PSO2 NA. A lot of people feel like it’s more pleasant than what it normally has so I wanted to put it out there.  It’s also larger and so a bit more legible in many cases.  Usage: Place both files in the game’s win32_na folder. Note:…


Cleaner E-Trials (JP/NA)

Reduces the blinding effects when starting/finishing e-trials  06-08-2020 Have only tested the “54fe5fab350b120dcdf2b07a374ecc25” file which is the etrial graphics and works unchanged for NA as well   12-19-2019 Updated to fix etoile gear bars   Updated and less extreme version of this original mod

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Female & Male Animation Swaps

Updated May 23, 2018 /—–/ Working as of September 24, 2019 Updated for use with Custom Launchers! A really, really simple (but still pretty effective!) mod. It’s been made before at least 2-3 times prior, but I figure it should be uploaded somewhere accessable. In terms of function, all this mod does is swap Male…
